Friday, May 17, 2013

after combined sports meet

after csm, 5 of us planned to lunch at the mcdonalds at coro but being the silly apeys that we are, we got off at the wrong bus stop so we decided to go  the mcdonalds at kap yay

Here's a picture we took after eating at McDonalds'.

Yokey is plain epic and Zoey is weirdly photogenic niahahah.

Happy Yokey.

Cute Yve.

Look at all the happiness in this photo!

Yokey uses her super-magic-powers to push Yvette and Zoey forward without touching them.

The two cuties on the other side of the swing.

This looks like a family photo.


The emotions in this photo /laugh-cries

yayers zoey and I

a successful selfie hahaha by the long handed woonie

 We sat on the grass and dirtied our skirts.
Yokey's great idea woohoo :)

I think I nearly showed off my PE shorts because #yolo woohoo

Jumpshot by the 3 apelys

Epic Yokey is epic oh my

you guys are my fav qtpies lets have this session again next year after csm yay

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