Thursday, March 21, 2019

taiwan on film

Hello! It has been more than a year since I last wrote here. I know, I can't believe it too. It's surreal to think that the days of wearing a school uniform are now over. Cheers to adulting haha welp

Anyway, mid last year, my JC classmates and I started planning for a trip to Taiwan (actually mostly Val and Ariel lol the rest of us are lazy children) and being the ballers we were, we left on the night of our last paper (which was MCQ ezclap lmao kidding). We agreed that we wouldn't mind missing prom either so we skipped that and came back on 8th December.

I'll write a more detailed post including DSLR pictures and all when I'm not so lazy - so this will have to do for now. I'm pretty happy with how all of the film pictures came out though!

The homestay we stayed at for our first night had like 4 golden doggos!

(Mount Hehuan)

(Taroko Gorge)
My first attempt at a double exposure (featuring Val haha)

At sunset

At sunrise
(We woke up at 5.30am for this!)
Val and Jiangz building their rock tower

(Tamsui District)

McDonald's breakfast bc we ran out of ideas

The train ride to 十份

(Shifen train station)
Weary traveller

That's it for the film pictures – didn't take a lot because I had the other camera to handle too welp. Took quite a few film shots for Australia though so that'll will probably be my next blog post since I think I'm still too lazy to do a full-fledged recap on Taiwan lmao.

Till next time!