Friday, November 18, 2016

picnicking at marina barrage

A little late but I really enjoyed this little trip despite the super bad sunburns I suffered (esp the one on my parting since I decided to have a centre parting that day HAHAHA)

On the last day of our school's marking holiday (the day before doomsday aka the day we received our EOY results), we decided to (surprise) celebrate Tangjia's birthday! We got up a bit earlier and went to Bugis to get balloons and picnic supplies while Jia Wen was making her way there, then made our way to the Barrage to set it all up.

Us waiting for gudetangma to come because she walked towards ArtScience Museum thinking it was the Barrage then realised and took a cab to Marina Boulevard (bc the cab uncle didn't know what Marina Barrage was) HAHAHA this was all super funny

The Queen arrives !!!

Faith and her apple juice

Y'know the obligatory nice shots

Then cue fake laughing #totallycandid

In Yvette's words, "We love to act" HAHAHA

So while we were on our picnic shopping spree in the morning, we picked up some $1.50 petals because we thought it'd be a good photo prop
And it definitely was but I swear we picked those petals off the ground more than 20x because we are obedient and responsible citizens and we do not litter

We took at least 3 tries per person to get the shot right LOL thankfully there weren't a lot of people at the Barrage otherwise to our reputations (like we even have any to uphold in the first place)
(condolences to Keshia bc we tried about more than 5x but couldn't get a good shot with her and the petals)

Fav shots of the day!

Queen of the day HAHAHA

Hope y'all enjoy the shots from this post! Ended up with red, sunburnt faces (and hairlines for me) but it was a nice picnic and I really liked the shots that came out of it.
Cheers to $1.50 Cold Storage petals!