Friday, November 13, 2015

coney island adventures

Amanda and I visited Coney Island again on Wednesday so we could complete our adventure (because we only explored like one third of the island previously) and it was still pretty fun :-) Also we made it to the other entrance of Coney Island (without cycling hurhur keeping fit)
We started off on the main path but eventually got distracted (??) and decided to cut through this dense vegetation (wow @ our logic) but it was quite fun!!

The moment we discovered climbing fallen branches was actually pretty fun

This was quite tough and took a few tries because Amanda had to climb up and get into a position in 10 seconds HAHAHA (but we did it!!!)
While I positioned the camera 93478327846 sandflies attacked me and now I'm itching all over
Our favourite lalang field!!!

The main path

Along the road

Near the mangrove
Honestly expected the boardwalk to be longer and closer to the mangrove :-(
(Also you can see the silhouette of Pulau Ubin behind us !!)

We walked along the main road and found a path that lead into this little forest
(this part is closer to the other Coney Island entrance)

Butterflies (!!!)
There were at least ten of them flying around us.
Amanda was so fascinated by them
Outside the entrance of Coney Island!
(We actually had to climb over this green railing \o/ living life on the edge)
 The "You Need to Stop" action is clearly one of our favourites HAHA

In other news, we spotted a family of NINE otters !!!
Although we couldn't really get good and closeup pictures of them I guess seeing them was pretty amazing (also they look like adorable teddy bears in the water).

Noobs attempting to be models HAHAH what are we even doing

We went back to the red bridge to seek shelter and met this friendly little one !!!

That concludes our little adventure to Coney Island :-) I think to get the best out of a trip to Coney Island you shouldn't stick to the main path - instead try to venture deeper into the vegetation because the pictures that come out of it are really worth the walking.
(Also if you're wondering why the photo colours are a little odd it is because I edited all of them with VSCO filter M3 !!)
Thank you Amanda for the laughter and being one of the best photo-buddies I can ask for! Lava you x

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