Tuesday, July 2, 2019

hungry in hongkong

It's July! We've made it through the first half of 2019. I have about a month till uni starts and I stopped working at one of my jobs so I figured I should make good use of the free time I have left. Also this post will be all about foooood so what's not to like?

The iconic Hong Kong cityscape as seen from Kowloon

In the first week of June, my family took a short trip to Hong Kong. It being our second trip there in a long time, we wanted to explore the usual tourist spots (Lantau Island etc.) but at the same time cover all the noice food places. After all the biggest attraction of Hong Kong is the food (my personal opinion HAHAHA I think my family might just go there to eat for a few days in the future lol)!

Decided to do up this list of my favourite food in Hong Kong for future reference and for anyone who wants recommendations but I'm pretty sure all these food places are listed on other online travel pages already lmao. First time writing a post solely about food so I'm not very sure how I should go about doing it but I'll try. (oh yea and I'm not in any way trying to be a food blogger ah I just wanted to summarise our food adventures in Hong Kong heh)

First up – the Best Breakfast Buns I've ever eaten! (was so good that we went there again for breakfast on the last day wooo) The first time we had it was before we hiked Dragon's Back and it sustained us the entire hike lol those were some really wholesome buns.

Kam Fung Cafe /  金鳳茶餐廳
41 Spring Garden Lane
(Nearest MTR station: Wan Chai)
Pineapple bun with butter

They're most famous for their chicken pies but my favourite was the sweet bun with butter!

Next, here's where you can find some really good and smooth Hong Kong congee / porridge –

Sang Kee Congee Shop / 生記粥品專家
7-9 Burd St
(Nearest MTR station: Sheung Wan)
Sh*t photo bc I am clearly not a food blogger HAHAHA #Aforeffort #itried

It was raining pretty heavily when we reached Sheung Wan and we spent at least 10-15 minutes searching for the shop so I guess that's what made the bowls of congee even more warm and appetising. We tried quite a few different bowls, such as meatballs, fish and chicken congee but I enjoyed my sliced pork congee the most LOL biased bc I am a hater of fish and other seafood oops

Tucked away on Burd Street, finding it might be a hassle since Google Maps died on us and was being a lil b*tch but the porridge is worth the search! (we visited this place again on our second last day heh)

Ho Hung Kee / 何洪记
Hysan Place, 12th floor
(Nearest MTR station: Causeway Bay)

If you are too lazy to search for the previous shop but still want some good ass congee, then this place is probably your best bet bc it is located at Hysan Place and thus super easy to find. Not only do they serve congee, they serve dim sum – including this chee cheong fun skin-wrapped-youtiao thing (shown above! It was damn nice lol) The steamed pork buns were light and very nice too! 10/10 recommend LOL (they already have Michelin star la)

Another dish I enjoyed in Hong Kong was roast duck – probably because the one we ate on the first day was so frickin good and juicy (we obviously ate it again on our last day HAHAH)

Wai Kee Roast Duck
Bowrington Cooked Food Centre, 21 Bowrington Road
(Nearest MTR station: Causeway Bay) 
The said roast duck from Heaven

We order mutton and chicken curry too – a little different from the Singaporean version but still great nonetheless

Fun fact: the store is halal so it is a great food option for Muslim travellers! Anyway words cannot describe how delicious this roast duck is – if you try it you'll see why. I usually don't eat duck skin but wow this is a game-changer lmao this might easily be my favourite meal during this Hong Kong trip. I'm in roast duck heaven hahaha

We didn't manage to eat at Yat Lok during our time here so my dad researched and we had a dinner here at Joy Hing instead. This shop has been around since the late 1800s / Qing dynasty which is cool beans! Anyway we ordered roast goose, roast duck, char siew, crispy pork belly and vegetables; the roast duck couldn't compare to the one at Wai Kee heh but all the dishes were pretty good nonetheless! The shop is super small and we expected a long queue but thank God there wasn't one wew

Joy Hing Roasted Meat / 再興燒臘飯店
265-267 Hennessy Rd
(Nearest MTR station: Wan Chai)

... and that's it for my list of favourite eating places in Hong Kong. It's very short I know but to be fair we spent one of our days at Macau and we repeated a lot of our eating places HAHA (but no regrets).  Major thanks to my dad for doing all the homework on Hong Kong food before our trip :~)  Might go back to Hong Kong for a food trip sooooon (nah jk I miss you Hanoi!!!)

Happy eating!

(also I had a lot of fun editing these photos on Lightroom LOL thx @ my Seagate hard drive for the 2 months free trial HAHAHA)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

the taiwankers' guide to taiwan

From 29th November to 8th December last year, nine of us embarked on our long-awaited post-A's trip to Taiwan. Thanks to Val and Ariel's planning we managed to get the most out of our trip there huhu we owe y'all one :~) This trip was hands-down one of the most memorable trips I've had, one because I loved the company, and also because Taiwan is one of my favourite countries to visit (just remembered that I haven't written about OE Taiwan yet LOL procrastination 101).


Saturday, March 23, 2019

a tasmanian summer

Hello again! I have lots of time to kill so I shall write a bit about Tasmania and include film pictures I took there. A more detailed post will come after I finish the one about Taiwan!

Approximately 3 days or so after my class trip to Taiwan, I embarked on a trip to Tasmania (and 3 days in Melbourne) with my family and my mom's friend. We started off our adventure in Launceston   –

Launceston through a lens ball!
(you can get one online)

A white house and a little red car

Lots of people living here grow lavender

Cataract Gorge
A Tasmanian summer

Cradle Mountain
(Actually really liked it there but took more photos on my DSLR)

Freycinet National Park

Richmond Bridge, the oldest bridge in Tasmania

 St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, the oldest church in Tasmania too!

 A shop selling products made of Huon pine – it smelt so good inside.

Salamanca Market, Hobart
All things lavender

Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens
(one of my favourite places, really)
Monet's lily pond, anyone?

– I am humming La Vie en rose internally

Thirdwheeled by a duck ? haha

Exploring Hobart
Liverpool St. – YNWA

Street art !

That's all the film shots I have HAHA was quite happy with how clear and colourful most of them turned out! Yea and forgot to say this but the vision in my right eye isn't perfect so I have to wear specs whenever I use the film cam otherwise I can't focus it perfectly. It's kinda tedious doing that and interchanging lenses between the film cam and DSLR but the photos make it pretty worth it! And I guess that's the reason for why I don't take a lot of film pictures welp  ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯

Anyway I think I'll be writing the Taiwan post soon since I'm in the mood for writing now ~~~ see y'all bois