Monday, March 14, 2016

lifeskills camp 2016

Hello! It's been a long looong while but swag I'm back HAHAHA
We had our last Lifeskills Camp last week and while it was very fun and all I think we all couldn't help but feel sad bc last year here /cries
We started off LSC week with 2 days of career conferences which were interesting but honestly made me more confused about what I wanted to do with my life LOL ok but I'm v lazy to put all the photos here so I shall start with pictures from day 3 !!!

Started LSC day 3 with watching the solar eclipse and then cultural workshops which were very very fun other than the fact that it was hot and tiring and I felt like I lost 10kg or something
cooking bbys: 2 housewives + scotch brite ambassador

"as you can see we are experts at this"

the making of tangyuan !!!
I think our group failed at it LOL like seriously all our tangyuans kept exploding and when we patched them up they became golfballs hahahah damn noob

After realising the big mess we made (lolzies), we went for level BBQ at the quadrangle!
I think this has got to be my favourite memory from this LSC :")
the lighting here is just !!!
beanz in action

210'14 - my favourite bunch of human beings :")
I've missed you bean
flex it! 💪

410'16 babes/peasants HAHAHA
when you finally get a photo with your wuBAE
as grainy as this might be - we finally got a photo with our idol HAHAHA

Batch of 2016

After packing up and all we watched a movie in the hall as a level but I slept through the most exciting parts /cries but ok it was nice sweggy

Our class then had a mini celebration for March babies !!! 

For day 4, we visited IJ village to help clean up and sort out items as part of our learning journey.
I didn't take a lot of photos but here are a bunch :}

On our last day of LSC, we had formal Western dinner at Marriott Hotel, which was probably the highlight of the whole LSC :-) At least we tried to be barmos HAHAHA
thank you for being my barmos date and trusting my makeup skills HAHAHA 
(I would like to think I did a pretty good job)

my bae of 3 years (and counting !!!) dem korean finger-hearts everywhere
est. 2011 🌻💛 | this human beanz whom I've known for 4 years (going on our 5th!)
I love love love your hugs which always make me so warm and fuzzy inside

epicblurface / 4/6 of apeys !!!
aka the most barmos bunch I know (lol no)
not forgetting my fav fanclub and also the only fanclub I'm in HAHAHA
all hail king baenny aye
the people I spend time fangirling about my baes with !!!
you guys make time in class so fun aye
黑白配: SEXAY squad
past 3 years with you guys have been nothing short of amazing
 " it's complicated "

(WT is for ...)
thank you for tolerating my WT madness HAHAHA I know you love him too
 anne frank of 410 - who is also the noobie lab partner who ditched me for bio

our sisterly love encapsulated in a picture !!! love you xuan

 NYAV B16 !!!
our last year together already sianz

And since it's Pi day today HAHAHA
Presenting to you my true math baes
" Mrs Ng do you know any math handsigns "
" summation "

Thank you to all these noobies who made these few years in NY so memorable for me hurhur you guys know who you are :") Let's make our last year here a great one yes !!!
That concludes our last LSC and I have so many mixed feelings about it ??? aaaa but it was a fun ride

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